What is grim & grounded?

grim & grounded is a newsletter/safe space for creatives trying to stay medium-insane under capitalism. Do you also enjoy watching someone turn their entire useless suburban lawn into a pollinator haven and food garden, annoying their neighbors with each massive Chip Drop?

Then you too are in the right place.

Who am I?

My name is Kate, but my internet presence has always been Lily Hammer, whether it be a social media handle or a gamertag. Call me Kate. Call me Lily. Call me Ishmael. But don’t call me late for lunch, especially if it is a sandwich from Defonte’s.

When I’m not writing, gardening, thrifting, or interior re-re-redesigning, I work a corporate job in the music industry; the source of my capitalism woes and efforts to dismantle hustle culture, which I talk about on here as well.

At the forefront though, I have always been and will always be a writer. I am currently editing the fifth draft of The One-Horned Heretic - a stand-alone grimdark novel - and drafting a grimdark series (still to be named) that takes place in the same world.

this was 2014, so just image me the same just absolutely covered in tattoos.

What to expect on grim and grounded.

Writing and publishing a book takes a long time and so in the meantime, I like to have a space to build a community of fellow writers and readers (and people who hate capitalism as much as I do.)

Why subscribe? It’s all free. You’ll get access to:

  • The Grim: anything writing-related including progress on my book and advice that has helped me along the way.

  • The Grounded: essays on navigating the ups and downs of existence including ways I stay medium-insane with a corporate day job, thoughts on capitalism, and ways I resist grind-culture.

  • The Garden: my life annoying my neighbors by turning my suburban backyard into a farm. This portion will run from spring to fall but may expand.

  • Probably a lot of other writer-adjacent stuff like reading, cats, coffee, complaining about social media, and the like.

Supporting my work here:

If you’d like to support me in some quantifiable way, I would of course be so appreciative. It’s $5 a month and you come away knowing you’ve fueled my writing with another Dunkin’ Sweet Cream Cold Brew.

If you are a reader, friend, supporter, fellow writer, or stranger, thank you for being here. Everything here is free, but upgrading to paid is just a simple way to show that you value the work that goes into creating this newsletter every week.

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a grimdark writer trying to stay grounded under capitalism.


Kate, aka Lily Hammer, is a grimdark fantasy and speculative fiction writer based somewhere between the best parts of New York and the worst parts of Jersey.